
Advisors Blog

Guaranteed Universal Life Pricing Changes

Published on May 10, 2017

Below is the full text of the recent Omaha memo with transition rules and deadlines. 


May 8, 2017

It's important that we continually review our product portfolio and make decisions that are in the long-term best interest of our policyholders and our distribution partners.

Effective June 1, 2017, we will be updating our Guaranteed Universal Life (GUL) product pricing for new issue policies. These changes will help ensure the long-term viability of our inforce GUL portfolio and allow us to continue to deliver on the commitments we have made to our current policyholders.

Our GUL product continues to provide clients with value - offering more flexibility for the future than most other fully-guaranteed universal life insurance products on the market. This flexibility is showcased in our client-approved What-If report that is available in your Winflex illustration software.

An Additional Option for Guaranteed Protection

If your clients are looking for affordable, guaranteed protection, we also encourage you to look at Life Protection Advantage IUL. (Available in all states except CA and NY.) This new product provides clients with a guaranteed death benefit to age 85 as long as the long-term no-lapse protection premium is paid.1 For most clients of average health, this guarantee takes them up to - or even beyond - their life expectancy at issue.2

Plus, Life Protection Advantage has growth potential, which provides your clients with even more flexibility for the future. This flyer shows how Life Protection Advantage compares to a fully-guaranteed UL policy. You can learn even more about our indexed universal life portfolio by going to

Transition Rules

GUL applications signed on or after June 1, 2017 will receive the new pricing. To receive the old pricing, GUL applications need to be signed prior to June 1, 2017 and must be received in the Home Office no later than June 30, 2017.

Mutual of Omaha remains committed to being your Carrier for Life. If you have any questions about the GUL changes or our new Life Protection Advantage IUL product, please contact your Life Sales Director.


Tess Grace

Senior VP Brokerage Sales

1 For insureds issue ages 75 and above, this guarantee is provided by paying the short-term no-lapse protection premium. Insureds issue age 80 and over receive a 5-year guarantee.

2 Source: Social Security Administration, Estimates from the 2016 Trustees Report.




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