Below is the full text of the recent Lincoln Financial memo with transition rules and deadlines. For a PDF version of this announcement, click here.
January 7, 2017
Upcoming Life Product Updates:
Our industry is operating in a challenging and changing environment. We continue to face nearly a decade of persistently low interest rates, including recent historical lows late last year, volatile markets, and an evolving regulatory landscape. Lincoln is committed to proactively managing our business in this environment to ensure we are operating responsibly, and continuously positioned to deliver on the long-term promises we make to our customers. At times this requires Lincoln to make fair and responsible adjustments to our products; all of which are guided by our decision-making philosophy of balancing impact across all of our key stakeholders, including policyowners, partners and shareholders.
As we navigate today’s environment, we also continue to keep our sights on finding new ways to help our partners grow their business and reach new customers.
As such, we want to inform you of the following important life product updates:
Coming Soon! Lincoln LifeElements® Level Term (2017) – 01/23/17:
Effective January 23, 2017, Lincoln is pleased to announce the launch of the Lincoln LifeElements® Level Term (2017) – 01/23/17 with pricing improvements which will solidify key competitiveness at ages 45 and above with face amounts of $500,000 and above.
Goals of the reprice include being a “top 3 carrier” in the following core cells with the lowest price in nearly half of the scenarios:
The 2017 product generation also complies with the new Principle-Based Reserving (PBR) requirements and the 2017 Commissioner’s Standard Ordinary (CSO) mortality table adopted by the NAIC and approved by the majority of states for use beginning January 1, 2017.
Transition Guidelines
For states that are approved at rollout, there is a 60-day transition period which begins on January 23, 2017 and ends March 23, 2017. The 2017 product will not be filed at this time in Alaska, Massachusetts, New York and Wyoming since they have not approved the use of PBR/2017 CSO. These states along with any unapproved states will continue to use the current Lincoln LifeElements® Level Term (2014) product in the interim.
Illustration Availability
Illustrations for Lincoln LifeElements® Level Term (2017) – 01/23/17 will be run on Lincoln DesignItSM Illustration System (v35.0 D). If you have an active internet connection, the software will automatically update to include the new product on January 23, 2017. If you need to download the Lincoln DesignItSM illustration system, it will be available on the Lincoln producer websites or from Field Office Technicians.
Available Riders
The following riders are available on Lincoln LifeElements® Level Term (2017) and have not changed from the versions available on Lincoln LifeElements® Level Term (2014):
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